Saturday, February 16, 2013

If it isn't going to be a real winter, then I guess I'm ready for it to be spring.

   We have had very little snow this year.  To me this is heartbreaking.  I have two toddlers who would absolutely LOVE playing in the snow; Alas, such weather has evaded us.  Don't get me wrong, it has dusted us a little...but I want a BIG snow.  Like two feet of snow, something we can really play in!  Think of the pictures I could take in two feet of snow!  I'm starting the think we'll never have a real winter again.
   Therefore, if we are not going to be able to have a beautiful white winter, then I want it to just go ahead and be spring!  Ah, the colors of spring!  Green grass and tree leaves, bright beautiful skies.  Not to mention, the warming golden light of oncoming summer.  Just sit there and enjoy that visual for a bit. 
  Sadly, it looks like this weather is going to stick around a bit longer....maybe in the meantime we'll get a real snow?  Yeah, I doubt it too.  Fingers crossed, though!

Cheers to warm summer light!